A sustainable future
We continue to invest in resource-saving projects that will benefit both the environment, our processes, our employees and our customers. Because at the end of the line, people are at the heart of everything we do. Therefore we also work hard to achieve employee satisfaction. Our Code of Conduct and our Corporate Social Responsibility policies encourage diversity and do not accept any kind of discrimination. As the company’s development goes hand in hand with the development of employees’ skills and competencies, we encourage training and education. It is the only way we can keep pace with the ever-changing world of the future.
Our contribution to
sustainable development goals
In 2015, the United Nations published a comprehensive list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Being committed to sustainability in all aspects of our business, Arctic Paper has decided to focus on the six goals that are most relevant to our operations and to which we can best contribute for the future.

GOALS 3 & 8
- Systematic approach to health and safety in each mill
- Annually approved action plans for health and safety
- Occupational healthcare services at all sites
- Rehabilitation services on offer
- Registration of incidents for the analysis and prevention of accidents
GOALS 6, 13 & 15
- State-of-the-art water treatment facilities at all sites
- Plans in place to improve water efficiency
- Measuring and monitoring of indicators for water inflow and outflow
- Employee education in regard to environmental conduct
- Improvements in energy efficiency
- Measuring and monitoring of indicators for emissions
- All mills ISO14001 certified
- All mills certified according to EMAS with downloadable official report
- Measuring and monitoring of indicators for waste management

Business operations
- Freely available paper profiles of all our products
- Responsible supply chain practices
- Strong focus on measuring and minimising the environmental impact of our business operations